Tuesday, December 8, 2009
You know you’re from Western Maryland when...
Read on & almost have to agree if your from here!!
~ you have no idea what lacrosse is
~ when you think of the beach, you think of the State Parks
~ The Beltway goes around the waist of your jeans
~ you wear boots because they're boots, not because they're fashionable
~ you can see a deer and not even get that excited about it (unless its in season)
~ half the adults you know work at a prison, and the other half are rocket scientists
~ you know someone who built their house with their bare hands
~ you actually call Cumberland/Oakland "The City" or "Downtown" (don't feel bad, I've done it too)
~ you've never seen The Bay but somehow it's your responsibility to keep it clean (unless you live west of Finzel, and then it's not your problem)
~ you consider Sheetz a restaurant
~ not even the "local" news applies to your town
You Know You Were A Frostburg State Bobcat When..........
What I got was back in touch with alot of my friends from FSU...It was like taking a walk down memory lane!!
12. Every time you meet an elder and tell them where you go to school, their face lights up and they say "ooohh I hear thats a party school!" You just smile and say Yep.
11. You've refused to eat somewhere because of one little 4 1/2 word phrase.. "we don't take bobcat"
10. You save your loose change all week for that wonderfull event known simlpy as DIMES.
9. When you go home for winter break you never need a coat becuase your body is so acclamated to the forzen tundra and perpetual snow, that anywhere else just seems "comfortable."
8. You watch every episode of "Yes Dear" to see what kind of Frostburg Gear the actors are sporting, and you've seen your school on "My Name is Earl" demonstrating keg stands.
7. You refer to that bar on the corner of bowery street and welsh hill as "LB's" ....... and of course you're good friends with the bouncer.
6. You've walked to class backwards to avoid the windblown snow.
5. You've been beaten at pool and drunk under the table by a local.
4. On your recruiting visit as a high school senior, Ricky Stevenson told you he was a Prep All-American QB. Then you met Coach Stevenson the next morning completely hungover (sorry, that was one was just for the football players).
3. You know the true meaning of FSU .................. F**K Salisbury Universtiy. No seriously, f**k those bastards.
2. Every time you meet a new friend and tell them where you go to school they reply ............. "Oh I had a friend who went there for a semester, but he failed out. Had a hell of a time though."
You can outdrink all of your friends, you count your kegstands in MINUTES, and you haven't lost a game of beer pong outside of Frostburg in your entire life.
Things that I miss
But anywayz, it gave me some time to think. Since the only thing that I had to keep me company was the radio on this lovely two hour trip. But just some of the sites that I saw made me think about the past and some of the things that I miss from it...
The first & what started all of this was the Cornfield on the side of the road in Berlin, PA. Yes damnit I said cornfield! lol....It was pefect thou. The perfect cornrows, the height. It just made me think of my Grandad whom passed away when I was 11. He had a cornfield as well. That was his pride & joy. It was huge or at least it seemed like it was, but I was just a kid. I can remember paying in those cornstalks forever. You want a maze? It would have been perfect around Halloween. But maybe this is just one of the reasons that makes Fall my favorite season...
I miss the sound of my Moms voice. Hearing her in the morning yellin *It's time to Rise & Shine* sometimes as I am waking up early to go to work I think I can still here her. Maybe I do or maybe its just a comfort kinda thing....
I miss my Dad & his crazy ass road trips. As a kid I would constantly complain everytime we took the LONG WAY to go on a shopping trip. No matter where we were going. BUt it was his way of doing the Family thing. Something I used to dread I miss now more then ever. And when I was driving home tonight in the rain & the fog on that stupid dark turnpike. With Tractor Traliors all around me. I was really wishing I would have taken the long way home. It was bad. I LOVE drving, it doesnt bother me. But something tonight just freaked me out!!
There are so many things that I miss. The Long hott summers that we def. did not have this year. Blizzards at FSU....Or should I say trying to walk thru a blizzard to get tp a Frat party....and 90210!! lol...Oh but wait....I get my wish on that next tuesday dont i?? It wont be the same without David Silver....but who knows I may get my wish there as well!!
Yeah I dont do this much. And this will probably be my last for awhile...But I am making this friends only because I usually dont blog!! lol...
I Found My Girlfriend In the Closet with David Cook - blog from Mr. Big
I Found My Girlfriend In the Closet with David Cook
My name is Mr. Big. I am the ideal, sexy boyfriend. I just reunited with my long, lost love… her name is Bitten. I thought our life together was perfect. I had no idea I would be sharing my precious Bitten with David Cook. Yes, The.American.
Here's what happened...
The American Idol season finale had ended, and I'm looking for Bitten... I can't find her. I hear odd clicking and whirring noises coming from behind the closet door. I open the closet and I find her hunched behind the laundry basket, all aglow from the light of three laptops. There are some other glow-in-the-
I survey the situation.
One computer appears to be in an endless YouTube loop of David Cook in his skivvies as "Guitar Hero". I can remember when I used to be Bitten's Guitar Hero. The other computer is awash in Google hits, query "David Cook". The last computer… well, it's hard for me to talk about it. Oh, the Betrayal. It's just so hurtful... You know what I'm talking about, don't you? That Blogging Little Ho. She promised me she would stop blogging about David Cook, but dammit if I don't find her on that stupid TVFan website, smoke coming off her fingertips! And her response to me? "Not bloggin', not bloggin', I swear!!! But… if I were blogging, then, er, Tawanda made me do it. And Syesha, too!... her and her sex toys. It's all THEIR fault!"
Well, I for one have had enough. I know I am not alone. Men, Husbands, Boyfriends, Fiancees… Listen Up! The Time has come for us to take back what is rightfully ours! That's right, I am not giving up on us Bitten! Who's With Me?!
David Cook, I am putting you on Notice. Know this: I'm coming after you… Yes, I Am. I will find your Kryptonite, I will exploit your weaknesses and I will strip you of whatever magical power you apparently possess that makes you The.American.
After all… There.Can.Be.
My American Idol
k so I am not one to write Blogs ever. Quotes, photo's yes. Actual writing no. LoL....So read on because this will be the last for awhile..
American Idol tomorrow night. Do not call me I WILL NOT be answering my phone. LoL..NO matter WHO U may be...This is the first year since Daughtry that I have actually Really Really Loved an Idol from day one on.....
This is the FIRST year that my Idol has made it to the Finale. Am I excited?? Hell 2 to the Yeah!! David Cook's voice is Amazing. Just close your eyes & listen. If he doesnt win, he'll still go further then half of the winners have or ever will...Just listen to this pre-idol song
This is with a band called Axium that he recorded a Cd with. If you can get your hands on it. Download it. Its def. worth listening to...
Better yet?? *ANALOG HEART* oh my god this CD is incredible. I don't think there is one song on there that is not worth listening to. Its hard to find out there it took me awhile.
Ohio Video Fun
Remember PM Dawn? From WAY back in the day?? Well here you go. Jeff Timmons & PM DAWN *No Woman No Cry* at the Afterparty!!
A few videos of Jeff & Brooke Hogan at the Canton Civic Center....May 19th. '07! Thank God Mickie has a Great Camera!! Enjoy!! :)
Monday, December 7, 2009
Spring Has Sprung
Spring has finally sprung & I am a trainwreck already!!
So my house is offically mine now & it's needs ALOT of work!! So I decided that this summer I was going to be *Little Suzi Garden Keeper* LoL......I DO NOT have a Green Thumb at all.....
I'm getting alot of yard work done, if you can believe that one. Or at least U was until it decided to become 30 degrees outside again. But the yard is starting to look great. Me on the other hand? Not so good. I have managed to get posion ALL over my arms. And a spider bite the size of Texas that landed me in the stupid ER two days ago. It's on my foot & I can barely wear shoes....
Anyone want to lend me a hand when the weather gets warm again?? LoL....I PROMISE you'll get a good tan!!
Happy Valentines Day
Rules for Drunk Dialing
Current mood:
Sadly I am the Queen of this Shit!! LMAO!!
1. Only drunk dial when you are drunk. Everything else is false advertisement.
2. It is okay to call someone 27 times in one night. If you don't remember it, it didn't happen.
3. If you are going to drunk dial a family member, say something nice. Ex. "Mom I'm in McDonald's and they're playing our song. I love you."
4. Dirty talk while drunk dialing is always preferred. Who doesn't want to hear your best raspy, phone sex voice at 3 in the A.M. asking to bend them over something.
5. Voicemails are always better. This way your friend can let their friends have fun at your expense for days, even weeks to come.
6. Drunk texting is alright...if you are prepared to read what you wrote the next day when you are sober.
7. It is definitely a good idea to call all of your exes and remind them that you were the best lover they've ever had and everything they know, they learned from you. This way you can sleep well at night.
8. You can also call this same ex and let them know, that you know, that they still love you. Then explain to them that I would still love me too!
9. If you are a frequent dialer, never get mad if someone dials you. Be happy they thought of you in this special time.
10. It is always a good idea to sing on someone's answering machine or voicemail. Especially a show tune.
11. Drunk dialing should be fun and light hearted or dirty and sex crazed... Never angry.
12. Most likely you will never drunk dial your best friends. They are usually the ones taking your phone away and reminding you that "you have a problem".
13. If you deleted a number sober, it was probably for a good reason. Do not try to retrieve this number. Nothing good can come from it.
14. Always call someone you know. Finding random numbers in phone books is bad and usually leads to angry dialing.
15. If your cell phone dies, remember everything happens for a reason. Never borrow a friend's phone to do your dialing.
16. Drunk dialing to foreign country is usually too costly to be a good idea. But if you feel like if you don't call this person you'll just die, brake rule 15 and use a friend's phone.
17. Drunk dialing may lead to drunk muffin stuffing....Be prepared.
18. When dialing remember that "hanging out" at 3 in the A.M. usually doesn't involve cards, it's probably going to be more like cheap lube and handcuffs. So be prepared when you really do want to play X-Box when you're drunk..."You want me to do what with your box? Play with it?"
19. Don't drunk dial in the pool, tub, or rainstorm. It only ends up with you blow drying your phone when you're far to drunk to be using electronics and you won't be able to drunk dial anymore that night.
20. Never, I repeat, never drunk dial your boss, preacher, grandpa, or friend's parents. If you are that hard up to call someone, there are 800 numbers on Budweiser boxes. The person on the other line always sounds cute, plus I think they are used to drunk dialers
Katharine McPhee Lyrics
This song totally sums up my fucking life right now. I can't even believe you went away, without even a simple goodby. Sorry but those private phone calls were just not enough.
And ummm the guy on the other end of the phone last Saturday night was my fucking cousin. You Nut!! I wasn't even freakin home.
I'm pissed, I'm Sad, and at this point not even sure if I will ever see you again. And that makes it even worse.
I Love you more then anything and you know that. I'm making this open for everyone to read! Just in case one day you decide to be nosy & see what the fuck I am up to....Which is Missing YOU!
HI HO HI HO It's off to OH-HIO
Yeah yeah yeah.....that's the title to this Blog! LOL....And yesterday my friends, was the Roadtrip from hell....But at the end, turned into the MOST AMAZING night ever!!
I met soooo many people yesterday that I thought I would never meet & thanks to you guys is what made the day Sooo much more enjoyable! Alot of shit is happening in my life right now that's totally out of my control. And I really needed a good night like this to really get me outta the mood I have been in lately. It sux. But what can you do? You can't stop someone from leaving. You have to just let go & let fate happen right??
So yeah back to yesterday. The day started out totally miserable. Honestly I am not gonna lie. There were several times when I just wanted to turn my car around & go home. But I had made a promise to Corrine I would be there & this time I was not gonna back out for nothing! Besides what the hell is here at home anyway?? I need to get out meet new people. See new places & have experiences like I did last night. The OLD me.
It was raining SOO hard when I got to Garrett County, thank god the Fog stayed away. I had to pick up Rose at Burger King but when I got there I found out that she was actually 10 miles up the road at Mcdonalds instead. That's Mapquest for ya. So I go to Mcdonalds. But mind you, I have only talked to Rose once, and have never met her in person! LOL..So I had Noooo idea what I was in for! Lmao....Rose thak you for turning out to be a kool person! :) I pick her up & were off to Ohio!! Which I was on the phone so I took a couple of wrong turns or Sooo I thought and I'm sooo tired anyway that instead of saying Ohio it kept coming out HO OHIO. Lmao. Then I started sing Hi HO Hi hO were off to Ohio...Hence the title of this letter....What do you expect?? It's pouring down rain, I'm tired & nearly delerious & I am only 2 hours into this drive!!
So we drive & drive & drive and Mapquest says to take 250 which I did because on the Atlas it looked like a short cut. But Ummm no, I think it really took us much much longer!! But we finally get there some 4 hours later...I'm pretty damn sure the last time I made this trip It only took me 3.5 hours to get there. Damn mapquest!! Never again....So once were there I get this Brilliant idea that I need to go to the Mall. Which you know me. I can sniff a mall out anywhere! I drove us straight to it. It was a pretty small mall. But there was alot of stores there that I could do some SERIOUS damage at. But I was here to see Jeff & Jeff only. nOt spend all of my money!! lol...So I get to the Mall and call Corinne. Her & Morgan are still an hour away. So we head to the food court, where I preceed to plow my way thru a Sbarros Strombolli! YuMMMMy!!! We left the Mall shortly thereafter when I discover a Gabriel Brothers! WhoooooHooooo!! (For those of you that do not know, this store is Amazing!!!!) Then Corinne calls so we ventured back to the Mall.....Now I have never met her before either. But I have talked to her Soooo much over the last 9 years that I felt like I already new her in person. I'm wandering around the Mall looking for a Tall Blonde!! Lmao....For some reason I thought she was really tall. So were talking to each other on our cell phones and I see a Tiny Blonde on a cell, I was like Ummmm I think I see you! :) I was right. So she introduces herself & Morgan to Rose & I and our Jeff adventure begins!!
We get back to the Hotel. Corinnes hotel room. I had cancelled ours the day before because our plans were sooo screwed up that I didn't want to waste yet again more money this winter on something that I didn't think was actually gonna happen! But it did thank god! We freshen up & that did alot of good because it was still pouring down rain. Thank God for make-up cause the hair was just not happenin! lmao....
There was a HUGE line out from with people screaming for the camera's & for Jeff. That was such a good feeling. And thank god for the pre-tickets cause that got us inside & out of the rain!! Oh yeah I forgot to mention that we met Neecee in the elevator. I never really talked to her before. But after seeing someones name on all of the Boards, she stood out! :) Probably the same way I do. But that's a good thing!! She was in line with her Partner-n-crime as well. About that time the Birthday girl Mickie comes strollin in with her cousin, so we all introduce ourseleves as were walking in the auditorium. We get inside & see June down front. So we run over so Corinne can say Hello & I can finally meet June as well. Like I said this was a day that I really knew noone in person accept Jeff. LoL....So it was a very surreal Experience!! :)
Well I got back to sit down & Jeff comes strollin down the isle talking to everyone. And would you believe that I walked right past the man & didn't even realize it was him?? LOL...He wasnt very close but still. I cannot believe I did that. I had to laugh at myself!! So there was a bunch of acts on before Jeannie Ortega & Jeff came on. So we all just basically sat around and talked for a few hours!! Jeannie Ortega has an amazing voice! You should really check her out if you have not already!!
Then it was time for Jeff WITH a LIVE BAND!! Yep I said it! LIVE BAND!! I am soooo happy that things are going well for him! That man has worked hard to get where he is & he deserves it!! Well we were all piled up against the stage like a little bunch of teenagers!! lol..There were alot of teenagers there so we just blended ourselves in. But being short I didn't have a very good view. Except for when he got really close.....Well all of the sudden he busts out *DRINK'S IN THE LOBBY, SEX ON THE BEACH!!!* Well June, Corinne & I all look at each other & yell Sex on the Beach. It's an old Inside Joke from Jeff's Board!! But we had soooo much fun with it last Summer. VH1 was there filming his new Reality TV show for those of you that are reading & do not know. So there was a camera filming everything! :) Jeff comes off the stage & starts making his way thru a sea of girls that wont let go of him!! Poor Guy! Well he spots me & Corinne & all of the sudden he slides right up on me & starts dancin and singing with me. Ummm yeah I was in shock!! LoL....So much so that I didn't start dancing right away!! *giggles* But then I snapped back to me & was like ummm dance!! lol....I look up & there was a camera right in my face!! Yet another sureal moment!!
He sang *I Do* & *Whisper That Way* and my all time Fave *Invisable Man* Then the finale came he puts on a Sombreo, pulls everyone up on the stage and starts Singing *Una Noche* Well there was SOOOOO many people on the stage that Jeff jumps in front of us. I was getting pushed off the stage and I almost fall onto Jeff! LoL....Now that would have been a classic Kodak Moment.
Concert over...Back to the Hotel Room to freshen up once more. Have a few drinks & were off to BW3!!! Such an amazing night. Jeff was in the back talking to everyone and taking pics. So we make our way back, to talk to him & tell him what an awesome show he put on. I guess it was kinda weird for him to see me Corinne & June all 3 together for once! It won't be the last time either!! I promise you that. I didn't get the usual *I know you don't I?* Lmao....I was expecting it. Instead I get *Hey girl, how have you been?* Um THUD!! And Yeah!! lol....I was like Oh so you know who I am this year?? lol...I HAD to say it!!
Then it was more & more drinks....I can still taste those Mudslides that June was making last night. lol....I had to get up & drive a 8am this morning. Because Corinne let us stay with her. Thank god. Because I would have never made it home. But let me tell you. It was another 5 hours today cause I had to drop off Rose in Somerset & she laughed at me the whole way cause I think I was possibly still drunk!! Hey I only had a stomboli yesterday.
So there you go!! Another Jefftrip!! And this may have just been the best one yet!! I had sooo much fun meeting all of you guys in person. FINALLY after all of these years, And many thanks gos to Jeff & Freddy for making that happen!!
If anyone is reading this that has not seen Jeff in person yet. If you get the chance you REALLY need to check him out!! He's an amazing person. With a really big heart! He loves his Fans and it shows!! He has not let us down once in the last 9.5 years. And has gotten me thru alot of shit in life & never even knew it. HIs shows are Fun and the man never stops!! LOL...and if you cant see him live. Well then checkout his Reality show along with Chris Kirkpatrick, Bryan Abrems & Rich Cronin...called Band of Men....On VH1 this Spring!!!!