Current mood:
Sooo I have no idea where 2 start this one!! My weekend which i thought was going to be very very boring turned slightly interesting...Friday night Tami & I went out pretty damn early, try like 8:30 and we went to this bar called Shooters to see a Country band called Tacoma Park...which mind you there a pretty good band...but the crowd was Blah!
so we left & went to Appels.......we got pretty damn tore up and i slept the day away!! lol....
BUT...last night is what got very very interesting!! We went to the Toughman Contest to cheer 2 of our friends on Roger & Jeremy! Sadly they both lost. But what Roger had to go up against?? WoW~ Can we say HUGE? I would not wanna meet him in a lighted or a dark alleyway! The Toughman contest was interesting to say the was in a very tiny gym in West Virgina that smelled of sweat!! It was a boxing competiton but seriously, you couldnt move & I think half of the people there were in camo green!! lol....gotta love West Virgina!! But there were a few people that we knew here & there......Including a married ex that I still care about to say the least...*giggles*
So we finally get out of there and me & my girls head to Brewski's the $15.00 all you can drink bar!! lol...well it was really weird because right after we get there this guy walks up to me & asks me my name. And I am looking at him like who are you?? lol....Guess he thought i was going to slap him! lol....But anyways I *used* to be on his friend list, but he deleted me and he better add me back....Whats up Chewie! we start talking and his one friend looks so damn familar....well i finally got to meet him as well, but it turns out that we had already (met) a few years back after a totally drunkin night and he did the naugthy on my couch with a friend right in front of me!! He was Slighty embarresed to talk to me again, but how fucking funny is that?? And several other guys came up to us as well that has seen us on here!! Thats just crazy! Guess it really is a great way to meet people!!
So Brewskis was ALL about doing shots
and yes at 3am the next morning i am still hurting!! Bad.....How many did we do?? Five or six maybe? I have no clue but we were all in the Mood to get smashed! And that we did.....I guess it was like 2am when we went to another bar in West Virgina. It's open til like 4am on the weekends. My Place is pretty pretty scarry and u seriously have to be fucked up to go there! But yet we always do.....well guess what. I walk in and theres the married ex. No names are being mentioned! God only knows whos reading this!! lol....and damn yes he still looks good. So now I am bouncing around the bar from person to person and guy to guy! Gotta love those drunkin nights!!
So what do i decide to do? In my already drunkin state of mind I decide that I wanna have a party at my house!! So I take a whole shit load of people back with me!! And sadly I really cant tell you who was even there, or what we did except for the fact that we drank more beer that i SO did not need!! So were on our way back to my house and we get pulled over!! Luckiy they new who a certain person was he and let us go....Now if that would have been me, my ass would have went back to jail...but thats another story! So were now in my house with yes the married ex (oops) an old friend that well i was so drunk I did not reconize...another big oops!! Sorry Jack....I'll try to make sure that never happens again.
Well were inside drinking and all of this commotion is going on outside. We go out on my porch to see the rest of my friends getting pulled over in front of my house by 2 cops!! Not kool! They got sobriety tests and all kinds of shit but thank god for small favors of knowning that certain person again and they got off as well!!
So its back into my house with a shitload of guys that i don't know from PA & my girls.....and the scarry part is I really don't remember much after this because there was SO MUCH DRAMA going on at this point. One of my girls was bawling & were not sure why, I don't even think she knew why the next day....The married ex's concience is now getting to him I think, even though he is still Hitting on my other friends!! When they say Karma comes back years later believe it, it's ALL true! And it kick's me everytime I see this guy! I always say I have no regrets but I do & this is one of them.
So now you have me upset to of course by this point I am SOOO drunk that it really doesn't matter I am going to get upset about anything. My christmas decorations were still up &
I was trying to take them down by falling into my Tree and ornaments flying everywhere.
And the 2nd. guy that got pulled over is now totally passed out in one of the beds in my house & his friends are freakin and trying to rumble against each other. One of my friends was screaming at the top of her lungs at them to quit being disrespectful & all I really needed to do was go to bed. I think the drama finally ended at 6am. My neighbors are probably SO unhappy with me at this point!! I'm usually the quiet type around here!! lol...Thank god its not a Gated Community!! lol....
Next up.....Another Kick ass weekend that is hopefully a little less drama filled!!!
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