But anywayz, it gave me some time to think. Since the only thing that I had to keep me company was the radio on this lovely two hour trip. But just some of the sites that I saw made me think about the past and some of the things that I miss from it...
The first & what started all of this was the Cornfield on the side of the road in Berlin, PA. Yes damnit I said cornfield! lol....It was pefect thou. The perfect cornrows, the height. It just made me think of my Grandad whom passed away when I was 11. He had a cornfield as well. That was his pride & joy. It was huge or at least it seemed like it was, but I was just a kid. I can remember paying in those cornstalks forever. You want a maze? It would have been perfect around Halloween. But maybe this is just one of the reasons that makes Fall my favorite season...
I miss the sound of my Moms voice. Hearing her in the morning yellin *It's time to Rise & Shine* sometimes as I am waking up early to go to work I think I can still here her. Maybe I do or maybe its just a comfort kinda thing....
I miss my Dad & his crazy ass road trips. As a kid I would constantly complain everytime we took the LONG WAY to go on a shopping trip. No matter where we were going. BUt it was his way of doing the Family thing. Something I used to dread I miss now more then ever. And when I was driving home tonight in the rain & the fog on that stupid dark turnpike. With Tractor Traliors all around me. I was really wishing I would have taken the long way home. It was bad. I LOVE drving, it doesnt bother me. But something tonight just freaked me out!!
There are so many things that I miss. The Long hott summers that we def. did not have this year. Blizzards at FSU....Or should I say trying to walk thru a blizzard to get tp a Frat party....and 90210!! lol...Oh but wait....I get my wish on that next tuesday dont i?? It wont be the same without David Silver....but who knows I may get my wish there as well!!
Yeah I dont do this much. And this will probably be my last for awhile...But I am making this friends only because I usually dont blog!! lol...
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