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New York City.....The place where Dreams are made of!!!
So on December 17th. I FINALLY got to see the rest of New York City!! What do I mean by finally? Well put it this way, In my 98 Degrees days I got to visit NYC and outside the Mtv TRL building at least 4 times! Not once did I get to see the rest of the city!! Don't get me wrong, I loved being there but well read on......
So My friends & I took a Bus Trip up to the city. It cost us $60.00 and a 4.5 hour trip ended up being over 6 hours by bus! Tiny cramped and VERY uncomfotable!! Well of course girls being girls we were looking for bags!! And Tiffany jewelry....There were these two old men sitting on the Bus behind us that overheard what we were saying and decided to become the NO IT ALL's of where to get the things we were looking for!! Just imagine 2 old geezers in there early 60's maybe riding a damn bus to go to Chinatown to pick up knock-off bags!! And then we had my friends husband that was along for the ride who had drank for 12 hours the day before trying not to get sick in the bathroom!! Poor Guy I really felt for him!! Lets just say it was a LONG ASS drive!! The only good info the old guys gave us was to take the fun pass on the subway!! Other then that, it was all bullshit.
So we finally get to the city & the first thing I see is the HUGE Abercrombie Billboard!! But I never did get to the actual store!! But anyways, our bus pulls into times square & one of my friends starts hitting the window screaming *Oh my god. it's it's* and not being able to spit out the words of who it actually was!! Well she finally selld *Stephen* from Laguna Beach & I am about falling over her trying to see him jumping into a Taxi Cab....So what if hes a (younger reality star!) He' still fucking HOtt!! I ended up buying Kay a Hollister Tee that said *I LOVE STEPHEN's LONGBOARDS* for christmas!! (giggles)
So here we are 4 of us getting ready to venture into the City for 8 hours one week before Christmas!! With me being the ONLY one that had ever been there!! We got along pretty good thou! We went to Chinatown first to Canal Street hoping to find *HANDBAG HEAVEN* ummm instead we found nothing!! lol....Guess we really were not looking in the right place. But how do you find these things when you have no clue how to go about it to begin with!!?? So we go to Sbarros to eat, we ended up with these HUGe Strombolis. Well Beckie & I ordered the same thing & we had on the same jackets so I get my food. But they tried to tell Beck she never even ordered! Then they gave her Ham. We spent way to much time in that damn place!! We ended up with NO Bags or Jewelry so we set off for Ground Zero,
Which we found out was only 5 blocks away!! 5 blocks in NYC is ALOT longer then 5 blocks in my little town! We about froze our asses off before we ever even got there!! In the meantime Kay was having fun with the Handbag Guys & the vendors on the street!! She even had her picture taken with a few!! Bet those guys were Hotties!! Right Kay? lol.....So yeah we finally started seeing people along the way with Bags. Ground Zero was a bit odd to see. I'm guessing the reason for that is the fact that what we saw on tv and what was there now was pretty hard to believe! We live near shanksville and there are still alot of things left around from that year. It's just so cold looking....
Then we were off to Battery Park. MORE MORE & MORE Handbags. I only ended up with one. It's okay but I have only used it a few times & I can see where its going to start falling apart VERY soon. Becakie & Kay on the other hand were having alot of fun bartering there asses off!! But the weird thing is Kay ended up with a bag that smells like gasoline even after she has washed it more then once!! Very Odd!! We got to see the Statue of Liberty from far away!! But it would of been really neat if we could have road the ferry out....
Off to Macy's!! The store were dreams are made!! lol...Or rather the store of my dream's from childhood!! We didn't get to see much more then that other then the long endless line to the bathroom! And REAL LOUIS VUITTON POCKETBOOKS!!!!!!! lol...Kay & I lost Beckie and Dan not to long before that because we were taking pictures!! Getting sepearted is Not a very good thing! Thank god we found each other! lol
Rockefeller Center? All I can say is WOW!! There must have been about 5000+ people there! I finally got to see the tree!! I tried to climb up on a stand to get a picture without the heads in it! But I got yelled at by a cop so I had to get down! Go figure. We got a few good pics, but it was Crazy with people, so we saw what we wanted to see and then when we tried to get back out it tookus over a half an hour to get less then a block....
Back to Times Square. We were going to try & go to Toys-r-Us. But the line was freaking long as hell & I prceeded to get into a fight with some chick behind me!! Sorry but it was late, i was cold & so tired of getting pushed around that I just went off!! But hey she started it because she ran into me!! lol....
We get back on the Bus & the old geezers have ALL of this Tiffany's jewelry. And the assholes would not sell me any of it?? I was pissed at this point! But what could i do!!
So there you have it! A good time in NYC. 1 very Fake Prada Bag. No Tiffanys Jewelry at all.... But Were ready to go back!!!!
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