Now is the time to get in on the Fun, Covergirl is celebrating there 50th anniversary!! How many of you are Easy, Breezy Covergirls? Bet you didnt know they have been around for 50 yrs. I for one had no clue..
My first eyeshadow, I will never forget. I was in 7th green & my Mom bought me this God awful dark green eyeshadow. Yes I said Green. Nevertheless.. It was my first real makeup & I loved wearing it.. Just Not to school. LoL..
As a Bzzagent, Ive been discovering lots of fun things to do & this is on campaign I couldn't wait to start. This is on Facebook & its been alot of fun. You cant take quizzes, have opportunities to win some VERY cool prizes and once in a lifetime experiences for you an your friends. Not quite sure what that is yet but im excited to find out.. You can send Personalized Candy Hearts that are animated to your friends as well.
And my personal favorite?? Make yourself a Covergirl Model!! as you can see in my picture. I choose the new Covergirl Eyeliner which I am excited to try out..
So are you a Covergirl?? Click the link to find out & Remember.. HAVE FUN
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