Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fiafini Skincare Giveaway

Hey Friends!! Found a new Great Giveaway on Fiafini Skincare.
I havent had a chance to try this yet. But it sounds amazing!! Go HERE and sign up to win the 3 products below! And Good Luck! =)
1. Delicate Cleansing Emulsion
2. Divine Hydration Moisturizer
3. Deluxe Anti-Aging Eye Cream
Ping your blog

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fashion. Beauty.. Read More for the FUN!!

  Hey Friends... Its been awhile.. But I found this New Fun website that I just had to tell my Readers about..

Its called Style United. Its Fun, fearless and Full of interesting Info. Its still in the Beta stage but pretty soon you will be able to Give & get advice about Fashion trends, Hair & Makeup...
And if you Sign up right now you Can also enter **The Style United: New View, New You Giveway** for your chance to win one of two $500 shopping sprees at Macy's or Nordstrom. Now that sounds like Fun to me. 

  Ive spent awhile looking around the website tonight & discovered Style 360 which is a Virtual makeover diagnosis. My Makeup style is Fresh.. It pretty much explained me perfectly, I like my makeup slightly bold but i usually end up going for a more casual look.... Take the test I would LOVE to know what your makeup style is as well...
 Fashion Focus.. Im a Edgy Bold with a Hint of Casual Cool. Lists clothing that you might enjoy from different companies. I Have my Favorite clothing lines. But Im always up to try something different. This gave me the chance to put a few outfits together and then it also listed what company the clothing was from. Being a fashion Freak this is great!! 
  Skin Deep and Hair affair is the last two in the Virtual makeover, which Im still in the process of playing around with..Build your Style Profile and see how you compare!

  I could easily spend a few hours on this site.. Theres so much from Beauty tips to Stlye Tools and News and info. Come Join my Inner Circle Here... I cant wait to meet you there!!  Leave me a comment or two and let me know what you think!!

Disclosure: I will be receiving a free beauty gift from P&G for sharing this with you. The opinions expressed are my own.